Keep smiling one in your heart and one on your face!!!!

Posts tagged “Courtney Cox

Exclusive: New “Scream 4” promotional poster!

YES! Another poster for the highly anticipated sequel to one of the most successful horror films franchises of all time. The countdown to Scream 4 is under way, and this poster just makes us even more excited about the movie.  For those of you who have been under a rock, and don’t know much about this movie:

The events of Scream 4 takes place 10 years after the last bloodbath took place in Hollywood.  Sydney Prescott (Neve Campbell) returns home to Woodsboro on her last stop for her promotional book tour. Soon as she gets into to town, chaos erupts, and people start dying.  The film focus on a younger generation of stars to carry the torch in the film.  However, actors Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courtney Cox are still an integral part of this movie.  This sequel is supposed to have the highest death count of all 4 movies.

There were reshoots done at the end of last month, and the beginning of this month.  The movie hits theaters on April 15, 2011. Supreme Fabulosity will be there opening night!

EXCLUSIVE: A new “Scream 4” trailer with extended footage!!!

The first trailer for “Scream 4” was released a couple of months ago. The trailer that has now been released is a Canadian version which has about an extra minute of footage.  We here at Supreme Fabulosity, have been covering this movie since we heard that another one was being filmed.  Allegedly, there was a screening held in the first week of January of the unedited version of the movie.  The people who were lucky enough to score tickets were asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.  However, spoilers from the film have been creeping up left, and right.  Honestly. we have some idea of what happens in the film, and who the alleged killers are. However, by the time this movie comes out, it will probably all be changed.  Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, and David Arquette reprise their respective roles as Sydney Prescott, Gale Weather, and Dewey Riley.  This is the first Scream movie in 11 years, and we are hearing that a Scream 5 is already in the works.  Check out the new trailer that just debuted this weekend for Scream 4 down below, and let us know what you think:

Wow! Courtney Cox-Arquette and David Arquette split after 11 years of marriage!

This is crazy! After shooting the highly anticipated sequel “Scream 4”, Courtney Cox Arquette and David Arquette have issued an announcement stating that they have split:

“We have agreed to a trial separation that dates back for some time. The reason for this separation is to better understand ourselves and the qualities we need in a partner and for our marriage. We remain best friends and responsible parents to our daughter and we still love each other deeply.  As we go though this process we are determined to use kindness and understanding to get through this together. We are comfortable with the boundaries that we have established for each other during this separation and we hope that our friends, family, fans and the media also show us respect, dignity, understanding and love at this time as well.”

The duo met on the “Scream” set in 1995.  They were dating by “Scream 2”, and married by “Scream 3”. This comes as a shocker to some, but not all.  The tabloids have been reporting for years that there was trouble in paradise.  Courtney Cox said in an interview with Instyle magazine that they have done couples therapy in the past.  They have a 6 year old daughter, Coco.  We wish them the best, and will give you more details as they arise!

Behind the scenes of the “Scream 4” set!

We here at Supreme Fabulosity have been covering one of favorite movie franchises of all time, “Scream”.  Finally here is some behind the scenes footage and interviews with Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courtney Cox-Arquette, and newcomer Emma Roberts.  We here at Supreme Fabulosity already have inside scoop on what is going to happen in the movie, however, we will not spoil it for everyone! I will tell you this…expect the amount of deaths to be in the double digits, and NO ONE is safe!!! Take a look at the trailer below: