Keep smiling one in your heart and one on your face!!!!

Posts tagged “Scarlett Johansson

Celebrity Divorce: Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynold end marriage!

2010 has been the year of celebrity divorces.  Next in line to join this ever-growing club is actress Scarlett Johansson, 26, and actor Ryan Reynolds, 34.  The two have been married for two years, and got married after just 4 months of being engaged.  They have released a statement to the public:

“After long and careful consideration on both our parts, we’ve decided to end our marriage. We entered our relationship with love and it’s with love and kindness we leave it.”

Source have said months ago that there was trouble in paradise when Johansson came to New York and started apartment hunting.  It also has been reported that the reason behind the split is a case of just too much long distance.  Johansson has been unhappy for sometime.  We wish you both the best, and that you guys come through unscathed while dealing with this tough time.